Day One: Monday Roasting Jeff For Jeff, walking toward that door was a quite strange feeling, in that he understood, at least on an intellectual level it's consequenses. This was the day of his fullfillment, the day he was raised and trained to since his birth, and he didn't hesitate the slightest bit. The shape of Jeffs body was no coincidence, his physical training and diet has been monitored with same same care as his psychological conditioning and his education, his genes were the result of carefull breeding and genetic engineering. He could hear the delivery truck drive away, and he stood there, alone, halfway over the plastered way which lead to the front door of the clients house, but not for a split-second came the idea of running away to his mind. Said conditioning prevented even the idea of running, so he took the last three steps instead and rang the door bell. A small speaker came to live. "Yes?" "I'm to deliver from Northern Ridge Quality Meat, M'am." "You're most welcome, step in! It's the first door to the left." With a slight buzz the door opened. Jeff stepped through the door and found himself in a quite large foyer with doors to both sides leading away. The first door at the left side wasn't entirely closed, and Jeff could see a small stripe of sun escape it. As he entered the room he saw that two sides of the room were made of huge windows leading to a closed garden, and he found the room dominated by a low table, a sofa and matching armchairs. One of the armchairs was occupied by an asian woman of stunning beauty, maybe one head smaller than him, wearing a plain cut, but perfectly fitting short red dress. For some reason he felt some creeping fear in the deep back of his head at her sight, but this sentiment was dwarfed by his attraction to her, none of wich he could explain to himself. Jeff recognized the voice from the doorbell as she spoke with an authority to him barely masked by her gentle phrasing. "Please undress and come closer, let's see what we have my dear." Most Meatboys were raised in a way they were acustomed to being used in sexual activity and enjoyed them, even being slaughtered or eaten alive was to them mostly a pleasure, but Jeff wasn't one of them. In fact he was still a virgin, and while he was fully educated on human sexuality, a strong hint of modesty was trained into him. Therefore he felt not entirely comfortable to drop his clothes in front of a total stranger, and hesitated for two or three blinks of an eye. "What are you waiting for boy?" asked the woman, and her gently, warm voice had an sharp edge to it. "You're mine now, so better do as I say." He dropped his delivery-uniform and stood there completely naked, quite uneasy as she scrutinized his body. His training kicked in and he stepped toward her until he barely touched her armchair. In this second the realization, until then only in the back of his head and on a purely intellectual level, was hitting him hard, the realization that he was not only her property, but destined to be meat. However, submission, anchored in his genes so deeply he couldn't even think resisting this fate, forced him to obey. She ran her hands over his body, feeling and testing his body-features in a quite rough way, till she seemed pleased. "How may I call you?" she demanded. "My name is Jeff, M'am." "Very well, Jeff, mine is Saya." Saya put her hand up and started playing with his genitals as she spoke, which only increased his discomfort. This was the first time any female ever had seen him naked, or touched for that matter, and her soft hand stimulating him was the best thing he ever felt. But the sadistic glow in her almond-shaped eyes added only to his fear, and from time to time she managed to touch him in such a firm and rough manner that is was only a small way to become painfull before she started increasing his pleasure again. Her action brought one fact to the front of his mind: He was fully her property, down to his flesh, utterly at her mercy, for her to do as she pleased. She raised her voice again, smiling at him coldly. "Well, you must know that most of the time I have a certain dislike to meatslaves who jump smiling into the cauldron, and I requested one of your kind 'cause I know you will not. You are fully allowed to express your fear and dislike, you might scream and argue as you like, and up to some point this is even expected from you." Jeff had a sinking feeling as he heard her words, each one as carefull aimed at him like a scalpell cutting into his consience. "But let's get this straight: You are mine, and I will use you. I will rape you, I will torture you, I will kill you and I will eat you, and not necessarily in this order. And you will obey. For everything I might do to you, there is an even worse alternative waiting, so don't try me. Don't confuse my friendly nature with weakness. Do you understand?" "Yes M'am!" "Very good." With a blurring movement of her hand she produced a pair of metal-cuffs and a small box with needles. In a fast and routinized way Saya bound his hands behind his back, then touched his dick with her lips. Not short afterwards she had his fully erect meatstick deep inside her mouth, throbbing with unknown pleasure for the first time in a woman. Meatboys had been genetically tinkered to deliver about 9 inches of dickmeat, and Jeff was no exception. As she freed her mouth from him she ordered him with a snappy "Freeze!" to hold still, then extracted two needles out of her small box and begun pushing one of them into the base of his best piece. Saya started to get wet as she enjoyed the hissing Jeff produced between his teeth, and took her time to enjoy driving the needles through his dick as slow as possible. Tears showed up in the edges of his eyes as Jeff tried to cope with the sharp pain he endured, and while it didn't just seem to take forever, it got worse with every passing second. When Saya was finished his dick hurt like hell, but still stood in all its glory. "It's an old technique to get a man standing up as long as one pleases, a more specialized variant in akkupuncture to be exact." she explained while she rolled her dress from her body. Nice hips, firm but not too big breasts and a lovingly black triangle between her legs showed up, and she draw Jeff down to her so the tip of his dick moved gently toward her pussy. Despite the pain his erection still held, but when he entered her a painfull moan slid his lips. As Jeff lost his virginity, tears ran down his face and he felt the most intense pain ever in his life. With his hand bound behind him Jeff could only thrust his dick into the asian woman, each new thrust a new world of pain, while he supported his body weight on her, and after some seconds she put his head in her heands and kissed him, her lips tasting his, her tongue playing around his own while his warm tears dropped on her face. Saya withdraw her tounge with their lips still connected and embraced his hip with her legs, pushing him even deeper into her with firm, muscular legs, untill the needles in the base of his dick smashed against her labia, and Jeff screamed and trembled in pain. She kept pushing on, kissed him deeply, and teased his his tongue with her own. As she withdraw her tongue again, slowly, she slowed down and let his tongue follow, and they continued to kiss, his tongue in her mouth, when her grip on his head got firmer. Slowly she started to sink her teeth into his tongue, and Jeff withdraw it away from the pure pain she inflicted upon him. "Oh my dear Jeff, what did I say about obedience?" she sighed in an almost frozen voice. He was shivering in fear, not only for the consequences of his action, but he feared he could not stand the pain, feared to be unable to fullfill her wishes. It was too much. But he was Sayas property, and when she intended to bite in his tongue he just couldn't refuse, his training prevented this much. A mix of contradicting feelings rose in him. "Sorry M'am, I try, but..." he almost cried. The woman answered almost gently. "I understand what happened, but I'm getting a bite of raw tongue now. Shall I fix it somehow or do you feel like trying again?" He know that he must try. Saya would eat him bite after bite, this was his destiny, and neither pain nor fear would change that. He needed to do this. Closing his eyes he stuck out his tongue and awaited her kiss. Their lips met again, and Jeff trembled in anticipation of the agony to come. The asian woman embraced him and held his head in her firm grip. Jeff's tears started to flow again and a sound of pain left his throat as her teeth worked themselves into his tongue, and he needed to focus all concentration and willpower he had left to keep his tongue presented to her while she slowly bit the tip off. As the tip was severed from his body, he couldn't stand it anymore and let loose a howling, agonized scream, his whole body shaking in the fight to stay where he was and to turn away from this most beautiful demon of pain, but Saya held him in her firm embracement and pushed his prick into her. Pulsating pain was the only thing he felt in his mouth, joined by much the same as his sore, overused dick entered the asian's triangle again, he couldn't push or thrust himself into her against this wall of pain, be he needn't to, either. Saya rode on the spams and shivering his pain produced, sought his whole world of agony out from his eyes, the tip of his tongue in her mouth. Blood rinsed down between his lipps and intermixed with hot tears before they dripped onto Sayas face, and the painful tremble echoing throughout his body moved his dick in his rythm of agony, shaking. Saya came at least three times. Hard. Jeff fell down to the ground, his hands still bound behind him, and his blood flowed softly from his mouth to stain the marmored floor-tiles. Still shaking of pleasure, the woman lay on her armchair, chewing slowly on the tongue-tip. One minute later she said loud and clear: "Claire, come over, and take care of our meat-boy!". Barely a second later a girl entered the room, slender but athletic, her red hair was cut to the length of her chin and kept out of her face by bangs. Claire's body was entirely naked and hairless except her thatch, even the eyebrows were removed. On her left tigh she bore a round branding not unlike Jeff's, but while Jeff's designated him as a "Meatboy, mildly nonconsensual, grade A2" hers identified the bearer as a "Meatgirl, fully obedient, grade A1". Her breasts were firm but quite big, her hips relatively wide but enticing, and her labia a little bit more meaty than usual. Claire needed exactly two seconds to process the situation and walked toward Jeff, retrieving a dentist-style mouth gag and a small electrical device on her way. With measured, exact movements she rolled Jeff over so he came to rest on his shoulderblades and, quite painfully, on his bound hands, and shoved the gag into his mouth. There was no compassion in her eyes, only professional determinism to do as her mistress told her, and while she wasn't at any rate gentle, she took great care not to hurt or destroy his gingival flesh. In an instant she clicked the levers together and spred his mouth wide open, taking a scrutinizing look at his mouth, but there was to much blood, so she rose again and went over to a small drawer. Jeff's eyes were red, and his tears were still flowing for the pain only got worse, the mouth-spreading device was not helping one bit either. As Saya chew the last bit of the tip she started touching herself, looking over the trembling body at her feet. Claire returnet, a small white bottle in her left hand, some metal-stripes in her right, and used them to secure his feet together, then connected the cuffs on his hand with the one on his feet, rendering him immobilized. She positioned herself in a way that allowed Saya to watch the whole procedure, since she know of her tastes, then begann pouring some fluid from the bottle into Jeffs mouth. In an instant he started to shake again in spasmic convulsions as the highly aggressive antiseptic fluid cleansed his mouth, leaving the sensation of burning fire, but Claire ignored him and started to flush out the blood. The she took the small device, about the size of a Zippo, and pushed a button ontop of it, producing a hot-white glow at the other end. The device used heavy voltage to produce a glowing metal tip, and the girl put just this tip on Jeff's mutilated, bleeding stump of his tongue, holdding his head with one hand, to prevent his panicly spasms from ruining her work, and cauterized the wound. Jeff felt the hot iron-tip in his mouth, felt the intense burning pain, which, quite contrary to his expectation, was an even more intense agony than the burning liquid before, and he tried to scream, tried to release all his pain in one roraing scream of agony, but only a gurgling sound escaped his throat. As Saya watched the whole scene she had already sunken her hand between her legs, and leaning back to enjoy the show she orgasmed again. Clair looked up to her Mistress. "I finished patching him up" she said while removing the gag, without looking down to Jeff. "Wonderfull. Thank you, Claire." Saya produced a warm smile while she got out of her armchair, then looked down at her body, which was stained with blood, sweat and saliva. "I'm gonna get a shower myself, be a nice girl and clean up. Have Jeff cleaned and ready in the kitchen in about, lets say, 4 hours." She squat down and gently brushed Claires face hith her hand. "You know you're gonna end up like him one day, do you?" Claire didn't flinch one bit, since this truth was known to her from the day she left her breeding-center, and her eyes blinked so slightly in a nodding manner, confirming her owners words. "You serve me quite well. Use him a bit, I can imagine his newly shaped tongue must feel quite interesting. Don't damage him, though, I wanna eat him afterall." With this words echhoing through the room Saya went to the shower. The slave-girl got some cleaning utensils and took care of the room, while Jeff lay on the floor. She used a rough sponge to clean him, rolling him ruthless over and back in order to do this, she removed the two needles from his dick and used the same antiseptic as in his mouth to cleanse it, too. After that she went on with the armchair and the floor. The aching pain in Jeffs genitalia was subsiding, and the sensation in his mouth was now only an uncomfortable pulsating feeling. He used the time CLaire needed to clean up in order to recreate himself, finding his balance again. The events seemed quite surreal to him now, but his pain was real. Little did he know of his conditioning, but it was exactly that condition which brought him over to not go insane, to accept what happened in a more abstract way so he remained usable to his owner. Claire had loosened his hands while she worked on him, and now as she was finished cleaning she knelt beside him, her legs to the left and right of his left arm, so that her hairless pussy was resting on his forearm. Jeff could feel the damp warmth it radiated. "I suppose you are a fresh meatboy, and by glancing at your branding I assume you aren't used to woman too much. You did never lick out a pussy, haven't you?" Jeff just shook his head, since he felt speaking with his mutilated tongue might prove complicated, but how should he satisfy a woman in that state? "Well," continued the slave with her determined, albeit not unfriendly voice, "we don't have much time. I've got about half an hour before we need to continue processing you, and I'll show you what to do. You're only missing the tip of your tongue, so you will be able to do it, and I frankly don't care if you like it or not." In this moment Jeff realized one thing: Saya was about to torture, rape and eat him, she would enjoy every bit of his pain, but Claire was simply not interested in his feelings at all. Being some kind off person she tortured meant a lot of to the pleasures of his owner, but to Claire he was merely an object to be worked with, processed or used in any way her owner ordered or allowed her to do. "So do your best. If I don't orgasm in your face in 20 minutes, you will learn that I have the skills to inflict some pain even worse to whatever Mistress will do to you, and in a way not conceivable to the human eye at all, nor would this degrade your meat quality in any way. Understood?" He nodded again. "Good." She lifted herself up and brought her body over him so he had her triangle directly in his face, her beautiful legs on each side of his head, then she used her fingers to spread her labia. "You need to lick here" said Claire, pointing to her swollen clit. "Try to be gentle, and don't stop in case it might retreat a bit, don't dare to stop until I tell you otherwise." He nodded, not realizing that she couldn't see it anyway, then started to tangle her clitoris with his tongue. It felt weird, since he felt a strange sensation where the tip of it once was, but after some seconds he could coordinate his movements better. But every time he touched her the cauterized wound sent him painfull reminders of his loss, but despite his pain he kept on going. Claire was soon moaning in an continuing, humming sound of pure pleasure, the deformed tongue felt unusual but gave her quite new sensations she fully enjoed. She backed away a bit and pushed nearer to him in order to stretch the pleasure even further, and whe she finally came a lout groan of pure lust echoed through the room. Jeff draw a deep breath, but a small snap at the needle-wound on his dick reminded him of his job, and he continued to keep her up for some ten minutes longer. After her last orgasm, the slave stood up, brushing all pleasure out of her face, and released his legs. "It's time, we need to preprocess you." Without another word she waived him to follow her and left the room. The new room was quite a bit smaller than the last, and no window was in it. Floor, walls and ceiling were made of white tiles, a bathtub and a similar sized metal-basin on the opposing side, some lockers to the right, another door was to the left. The doors closed themselves and were quite massive, nad Jeff suspected they might be soundproof. The room was perfectly clean. Claire led her charge to the metal-basin, and Jeff saw it was sloped toward a drain at one end. Rings were welded on the inside. "Step in" demanded the slave, and Jeff know better than to oppose her. With the same precise movements she showed when attaing his wound, she snapped the metal-cuffs on his arms and legs into some of the metal rings, effectively restraining him. "We need to gut you, this is gonna hurt." she said while she took some leather-stripes out of one locker and started securing his chest, the upper legs and his head to the rings. His eyes widened in fear for this surely was going to be like hell, since this was the first time he was ever warned about something might be painfull at all, this must be the topping of all he lived through until now. "The pain will increase the production of adrenaline in your body, which does alter the taste to some degree. Saya wished this for today." Claire went on explaining her actions to him, with the same uninterested voice she used all the time for him. Jeff had no idea why exactly the slave was explaing all this to him, since it didn't made any difference to him, but he listened on. "When we're done, I'll get some spices in you. Then you'll get a short break before we move you over there," she gestured toward the bathtub, "to marinate you with some seasoning." While she talked to him, she pulled a rolling table which was standing between the lockers and checked her instruments. Then she took a showerhead of the wall and started rinsing his body with cold water, followed by antiseptic. "The antiseptic we use here is made of a special mixture, a molecule not unlike ethanol, but it doesn't react with the body like alkohol one bit, so it doesn't makes you drunk or something like that. I'm now gonna open your belly, so you might wanna take a deep breath and prepare." Jeff's heart felt like a stone in his chest, there was nothing he could do except bear with what was to come, so he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the most intensive pain he could imagine. The scalpell Claire took was odd-looking, for there was some kind of battery attached, and she explained that indeed it was a selfcauterizing tool. This didn't ease Jeff's mind one bit. In the beginning, it wasn't painful at all, he felt only something cold, but with his head restrained he couldn't watch. Then, suddenly, the pain kicked in, with all the brutal power of a sledgehammer. He actually could exactly follow her cutting, and then he could feel her flipping the skin right under his chest, now only attached to his body just below his ribcage, he could feel her flibbing it open like the top of an old chest. He screamed and screamed in agony, tears running again down his cheeks, and suddenly he could see Claire through his blurry eyes. She leaned herself over him so he could see her face, and their eyes briefly met. But there was no compassion in her look as she informed him that she now was about to begin the actual gutting process. He realized in terror that this intense pain was only from opening him up, and in fear he awaited the next events. "You might feel a ripping sensation, but thats to be expected. Stay calm, it will be over in ten minutes or so." she said in her cool and levelled voice, and she spoke not one iota louder than usual, as if he could hear her through his own continuing screams. 'Stay calm', like there was anything to stay calm about being cut open like an animal in an slaughterhouse! He stopped screaming for a short moment, and Claire added: "I'm gonna get myself some ear-protectives, you are quite a bit louder than your predecessors. Feel free to scream as you wish, thought, since screaming proves to relief one from some pressure I heard." She produced a white set of heafphone-shaped protectives and sunk her arms in his guts. Jeff could feel her taking out his incestines and cauterizing the wounds, rough, fast and efficient. Clearly Claire avoided removing his vital organs. She worked in golden silence, but from the edge of her view she saw his mouth wide open, tears on his blushed face, but the only audience to his crying and screaming was he himself. Someday she would lie there too, and while she feared this day a bit, she could only hope to get processed as professionally and carefull as she processed him. The guts were thrown into a plastic bin, and when she was done she put some prepared filling into his emptied body and flipped abdominal wall back in place. Claire couldn't hear her own voice through the protector, but her explanations weren't exactly for her to hear. She had always the feeling that she owed to tell her charges what she is doing to them and why, to some degree at least. Wether or not the boy was listening wasn't of her concern. "I'm about to seal your wounds. We have a special encyme-based tincture for this, it does connect the body tissue again, leaving only some scars, but the pain will go away and you will be able to move again." With a small brush she applied the tincture and stepped back to relax for one or two minutes. When Jeff's screaming finally stopped she put aside her protectives and grabbed a device that looked a bit like a rolling pin, only made of metal. Jeff could had barely begun to think clear again when he heard Claire's voice again, while she filled some liquid into the device she held with one hand. "Thats our Deep-seasoner. On skin-contact it will spill out a small amount of the liquid seasoning under extremely high pressure, not unlike the new syringes they now use, to get the spices deep into your body. This shouldn't hurt too much. How is the pain?" she asked, and there was nothing compassionate in her voice. With surprise he felt the pain going away, as the cut was sealed and the nerve endings in his belly were cauterized too. "Better, thank you" he replied therefore, and Claire removed the restraining. "Sit up now." She rolled the pin all over his body, but he didn't scream. Sure, it hurt like hell, but the pain never lasted longer as a fraction of a second. Only his skin started to get sore. "Make yourself comfortable in the bathtub" CLaire demanded, and Jeff let himself down into what he believed to be another seasoning liquid, it burnt on his skin. She explained to him: "While deep-seasoning you your skin got uncountable microfractures, through which the marinade will pour some good taste into you, and will seal-off the microfractures. Stay here and enjoy yourself for a while, I'll be back later. After that last sentences she left the room. Jeff was led into the kitchen. It was quite big for a house of this size, but nothing unexpected when he took the food habbits of its owner into account. Some kind of metal table on wheels was near the kitchen plates, and Saya was sitting on its edge. "Finally! I'm hungry beyond measure!" she said, and Jeff felt a criumbling sensation where his guts used to be. This was it. Saya tapped her hand invitingly at the metal-table beside her and slipped down to the ground. "Lie down!" He hesitated. He was fully aware that he won't leave this table alive, for the rail on both of its sides made it crystal-clear: This was a baking sheet. Not the he could survive more than a few hours without his digestive system removed, but these hours suddenly became desirable in a way only somebody facing death could understand. Saya met his eyes, and he could read in them. She fully understood, and so this second passed, and he understood, too. This beautiful asian woman has paid twice the normal price to get some meat which would hesitate in this very moment, and it was this fear in his eyes she was rewarded with. Not that she was unkind to him, most meatslaves were just unceremoniesly butchered at the slaughterhouse, but he got something the others never got. He was not only a tool to her pleasure, he was part of her life for some hours, and he gave her something beyond mere sexual pleasure or a good meal. It was his suffering and fear that made him special. The moment passed, and Saya stepped forward. "Go on Jeff, I won't wait all day long. In fact, I toy with the idea of having sashimi..." He got the broad hint and went to the table. This was the 'nice' option. Better to go along. Claire fired the big oven up and brought her mistress some ceramic knives, while Saya restrained him on the table. "You're gonna becoma a nice roast with crackling, with a nice and crispy crust." The two woman started to cut a checkerboard pattern into his skin, all over his chest, belly and his legs. They worked carfully and slow to avoid cutting to deep. Jeff clenched his teeth and released from time to time a painful groan, but he didn't scream. After that procedure they basted him with goo from the last meatboy and shoved a metal-plate under his head, then they begun rolling the baking sheet table toward the oven. "Well, this is it, I'm gonna put you in the oven now, my little roaster. We will stay here with you to watch, so you won't be alone, and, if you are lucky, you might be still conscious when we take you out." explained Saya with a broad smile. He was quite sure that he wouldn't describe this possibility with the word 'lucky'. This was the most interesting and most painfull day of his life, and his last. He just wished the pain to pass. Saya gave him a kiss on the forehead and opened the door of the oven. The baking sheet clicked into the rails of the oven, and one second later the door closed again, with him on the other side. It wasn't too hot, but neither was it comfortable. He saw Saya standing in front of the oven, watching him interested, and in the background Claire was rolling a canapé into the kitchen. Saya lay down on it and started eating some grapes while he started roasting. The heat was now sharp and painfull to him, he could feel his sweat and the basting vaporize on his skin. Claire was on her knees, eyes to the ground, but he didn't watch them anymore, his mind started to circle around on simple though: "Let it be over, please let it be over! Why can't I just die..." He heard a strange noise and identified it as his own frantic screams. "Let it be over, please let it be over! Why can't I just die..." As always in such a moment, Saya was craving with burning, hot lust, and she let Claire eat out her pussy, slowly, gentle, she wanted to enjoy the cookout to the last. Jeff's screams were like a siren, rising and falling in intensity and pain, and the asian guided Claire to adapt the work of her tongue to it. When it stopped the rose and put Jeff out of the oven. As they checked him his eyes moved ever so slightly. "The cooling plate we put under his head did its job, Claire, his brain hasn't cooked now, he is still alive" Just barely, but alive. Wow." said Saya. Jeff registered somehow that he left the oven. The world around him was a blurr, and he didn't even manage to scream in his weakened state. Saya and the slave were talking to each other, but he didn't understandd them. He felt a sharp pain as Claire stuck a fork into his Chest and started to carve some meat off, but he was to weak to move in any way. Why couldn't he just die? He endured the mutilation and preperation of him being served for dinner, and his only wish was for the pain to end. Saya's face started to fill out his whole vision, she said something he didn't understand either, and then she kissed him. Even that was painful as he felt the skin on his lips cracking, and then she took a big bite out of his right cheek. He felt her eating the rest of it, and a tear managed to appear in the corner of his eyes, then Saya left. A fork was penetrating his left cheek as Claire cut a small piece for herself, and he was sure this was the peak of his agony. When Saya started to eat his dick one small bite after another, she proved him wrong... Jeff was still at the blink of life when Claire cut him up to put him in the freezer.