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Female Domination

A girl learns her lesson

Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dog’s leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasn’t terribly well paid, but then Mrs. Johnson, the owner of the riding school allowed Katy to...


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3D Radio

My pen-name is Rachael Wright, and I love sexual fantasies. I began enjoying them when I was teen, and I married a man who learned to enjoy them with me. Eventually I started jotting down the ideas so that I could put a favorite fantasy aside for awhile, knowing that I’d be able to come back to it again later. Then my cousin (pen-name Anne Wright) wrote a sex-advice book that included an explanation of why sexual fantasy isn’t the same thing as lust. I got involved in that book by proof-reading and making suggestions, and to my surprise, Anne decided...


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A Life Undone

’Do you like it kinky?’ She looked at me with those big brown eyes that had mesmerized me the moment I had met her in the hotel bar earlier tonight. We had danced to the tropical rhythms from the Puerto Rican band all night. Now I was lying naked on the bed in my hotel room and she was sitting by my side, her long slender legs doubled beneath her and her blouse opening to a black brassiere and her slim brown hand stroking my erect penis. ‘Sure. What do you have in mind?’ She was a cute little thing from...


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Jenny and James part 2

...Jenny screamed in delight as she started finishing inside of me. Her hot cum shooting into my asshole in thick ropes over and over again. She kissed me deeply, sucking my tongue into her mouth. "Good boy" she whispered between kisses. I was panting as I felt her cum drip slowly out of my asshole and down my ass. Jenny dragged her body down mine and lined her face up with my cock. With a glance I saw her suddenly continue down my pelvis as I felt her tongue drag up the crack of my ass, effectively scooping up the remnants...


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Maria told me, “Athena’s going to be around for a few weeks, she asked if she could borrow you on Saturday, she likes your flexible attitude. I said she could.” That wasn’t unusual in itself, Maria usually made our arrangements for sex or whatever and I was usually happy to go along with it. She was really very good at making such arrangements, it wasn’t unusual to be ‘leant’ to a passing visitor of the right persuasion. However, “Don’t I get a say in this, she’s a bit pushy.” There goes my British habit of understatement. Athena was a bit pushy...


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Saya's Week - Monday: Roasting Jeff

Day One: Monday Roasting Jeff For Jeff, walking toward that door was a quite strange feeling, in that he understood, at least on an intellectual level it's consequenses. This was the day of his fullfillment, the day he was raised and trained to since his birth, and he didn't hesitate the slightest bit. The shape of Jeffs body was no coincidence, his physical training and diet has been monitored with same same care as his psychological conditioning and his education, his genes were the result of carefull breeding and genetic engineering. He could hear the delivery truck drive away, and he...


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Seed of Horror: Chapter 4_(1)

Chapter Four Jason was lying on his back, spread eagle and howling in agony. Keeping him pinned to the ground were several strands of barbed wire, burrowing into his hands and feet like earthworms, while repeatedly surfacing only to dive back down. He could feel it all, every tearing slip of the metal blades severing veins and muscle cords, the splitting of his skin as they surfaced and submerged, and every drop of blood spraying from the shredded arteries. He had already lost so much blood, enough to die several times already, yet it still hissed from his ravaged body in...


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Bayonetta's Abuse - Chapter 04 - Weekend At Jeanne's

It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne’s estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn’t help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta’s GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver’s seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what could only be called a mansion. It was a huge...


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Schoolgirl Amanda Learns Discipline Chapter 1

A Prologue Coach Jacobs walked silently down the corridor at St. Adalbert’s Catholic high school. During class the halls were as silent as a ghost town, in contrast to the teeming hordes that would flood the space as soon as the bell would ring. The few students who were not in class would swiftly and quietly travel to their destination, usually an area which was designated for students to congregate. While passing an intersecting corridor, the coach noticed a student acting suspiciously. Coach Jacobs silently approached the student and just before reaching him, purposefully made some noise. The student whirled, startled...


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Siblings can't be Separated

We always got along well from the beginning; Sabrina, Kasey, and me. Sabrina was my older sister by a year; she has long beautiful blonde hair which fell over her shoulders. She had the piercing green eyes like the rest of our family. Even though we would occasionally get into petite arguments, we had a great relationship. I was still a baby when I learned that mom was pregnant, I was so eager and excited that I would get a new play buddy. My eagerness slowed down when I learned that the baby was a girl. I was expecting to get...


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