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Learn how to treat your wife

Bill and Debbie Hobland had been married for three years now. The marriage had started off well. Bill had a good job in the office of a major furniture company and they had decided that Debbie would be a stay at home wife and they would have a family. Because of a combination of things, life had been going down hill of late. Bill often worked late and sometimes the dinner that Debbie had made went to waste because of Bill stopping for drinks and burgers with his friends after work. He never called. Next, they did not yet have any...


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Weekend whore_(0)

It was a four day weekend where I was going to get gangbanged in a mmmf that was arranged by a friend, but he failed to realize that the guys he found were actually in a gang. When i got there, i found out that i had walked into to this gang house, but they were cool, very relaxed etc., so I went along with it and did three guys. Afterwards, we talked and I agreed to stay and party for the weekend, to play some more. I was shown around the place a bit and then to a room, where...


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Perfect Wife - Diary of a bad time

Perfect Wife - Diary of a bad time 8-9 Aug 2009 I was in a central Manchester hotel celebrating a business success with my husband Paul. We’d had a bottle of wine with our meal then headed to the bar where we downed a couple of shorts before ordering champagne. Paul doesn’t drink much so I was feeling pretty good after two vodkas and most of the wine and bubbly. I blame the alcohol; it made talk about how I longed for my ex lover’s big hard dick right now. My husband had set me up for an affair with a...


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Saya's Week - Monday: Roasting Jeff

Day One: Monday Roasting Jeff For Jeff, walking toward that door was a quite strange feeling, in that he understood, at least on an intellectual level it's consequenses. This was the day of his fullfillment, the day he was raised and trained to since his birth, and he didn't hesitate the slightest bit. The shape of Jeffs body was no coincidence, his physical training and diet has been monitored with same same care as his psychological conditioning and his education, his genes were the result of carefull breeding and genetic engineering. He could hear the delivery truck drive away, and he...


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Seed of Horror: Chapter 4_(1)

Chapter Four Jason was lying on his back, spread eagle and howling in agony. Keeping him pinned to the ground were several strands of barbed wire, burrowing into his hands and feet like earthworms, while repeatedly surfacing only to dive back down. He could feel it all, every tearing slip of the metal blades severing veins and muscle cords, the splitting of his skin as they surfaced and submerged, and every drop of blood spraying from the shredded arteries. He had already lost so much blood, enough to die several times already, yet it still hissed from his ravaged body in...


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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy - Chapter 1 A New Job

Tina and the Stuffed Pussy By: Jujun DISCLAIMER: Below is a work of fantasy and fiction and in no way reflects actions or intentions of real people or the views or preferences of the author. Characters and scenes within this work do not relate to any individuals or events in real life. Writing feedback and ideas for subsequent chapters are very much appreciated! I started writing this 8 years ago and only recently have started adding more chapters so look for future additions in the coming weeks! I looked at my boss in disbelief. My brother and I have worked for...


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