“Hey, Sunny,” Gary Caruthers, youth minister of the Arcadia Baptists Church, said, waving as well to gain the girl’s attention. “Hey, Pastor Gary,” the freckle-faced girl beamed, her soft face framed by wheat-colored braids. “Do you need something?” “I thought we might talk for a minute, if that’s okay.” “Sure.” A shrug accompanied her answer, and he felt his pulse quicken as he watched the bounce of her firm, young breasts, which were emphasized by the slightly too snug bodice of her dress. “Let’s go to my office.” His tone somehow remained friendly and innocent despite the increasingly lascivious thoughts coursing through his mind. “Okay. But I’ll miss the sermon. Mom will be pissed… I mean mad… if I miss it.” “I’ll tell her you were helping me.” “She might still be pi… mad.” “I’ll tell her we prayed together about the temptation to sin that surrounds our youth today.” “Oh, she’ll like that. She’s always bitching… um… talking about how all my friends are sluts and sinners.” Pastor Gary nodded, wondering if the definition fit Sunny as much as it did her friends. Afraid his voice might betray his true thoughts, the man gestured for the girl to proceed him through the door that led to the church offices. She favored him with a shining grin before bouncing ahead of him, her rounded derriere obvious under the dress. Thank you, Lord, for making this luscious, young angel and seeing fit to allow her mother to let her continue to wear last year’s Sunday best, despite the blossoming of her adolescence. “Have a seat,” he told Sunny once they reached his office, and he was thankful that he had his satchel with him, as he slid it in front of his groin to hide the erection that would have been obvious to anyone who looked at his crotch. He was even more thankful after he sank into his chair, as the desk between them hid his condition. It also allowed the man to slowly unzip his pants and pull out his now achingly hard penis. “So, what do you want to talk about, Pastor Gary?” “Temptation to sin, Sunny,” he said, his voice huskier than normal in his ears. “Oh…. Mom talks to me about that all the fu… um… all the time. But I tell her I’m not sinning, not really. I mean, I’ve kissed a couple of boys, and my friend Jayden and I made out hard at her house a couple of weeks ago, but that’s all. I’ve never touched a di… a guy’s thingie. I did touch Jayden’s boobs, but only through her shirt. And hers aren’t as big as mine, so there wasn’t that much to feel. She got the better end of that.” “I’m not talking about your temptation, Sunny. I’m talking about the temptation to sin that men feel when they are around young women such as yourself.” “You mean like when the manager over at Wagner’s keeps looking at me like I’m ice cream and then asks if I want a job at the store?” “Yeah, things like that.” “Mom tells me that men can’t help it, and I should just ignore them.” “Men often cannot help themselves, that is true, but ignoring their plight… their need… is not what God would want you to do.” “It’s not?” “No. You see, God made young women like you to please men, to receive a man’s lust and need. Of course, it’s a sin for men or women to give into that lust until they are married, at least it is if they fully give in.” “You mean have sex?” “Yes. Well, I mean intercourse. You know what that is right?” “Yeah, they taught us in health class. It’s when a guy sticks his… thing into a girl’s pus… um… vagina. A girl can get pregnant that way if she’s not careful.” “That’s right,” Gary said, nodding and smiling. Sunny was not exactly stupid, not really. But she did tend to boil everything down to its simplest essence. That was one of the reasons he had chosen her. Of course, the main reason was her body, which was right at the most enticing point between girlhood and womanhood, where her newly blossomed curves warred with lingering slenderness. “It’s also forbidden before marriage, because it is the way we make a new life, just like the Lord made life with Adam and Eve. It is a sacred act, one that is to be between man and his wife.” “Oh… I didn’t think about all that.” “But what some people do not realize, including many Christians, is that God does not forbid all carnal pleasure before marriage, just those acts that echo divine creation.” “I… I guess that makes sense,” Sunny said, her light blue eyes scrunched up with effort as she tried to understand. “It does… and God gave us these other means of pleasure as a way to resist temptation.” “Oh… Oh!” The girl’s face lit with understanding, and Pastor Gary could not help but let his left hand fall to his lap and begin to stroke his engorged manhood. “He wouldn’t have made it feel so good if he didn’t want us to like it, but he doesn’t want us to make baby’s unless were married, so we can’t fuck… um… have intercourse until then.” “Exactly. Unfortunately, most women do not understand the importance of helping men resist temptation. If they did, We’d have fewer people living in sin and having babies outside of wedlock.” “You mean resist it be doing… other stuff?” “You got it, Sunny. I knew you were smart enough to understand.” This time, she bounced as well as grinned, and it was all Pastor Gary could do to keep from groaning out loud as his eyes fixed on her chest. “Anyway, I was hoping you could help me with my own temptation.” “You? You’re tempted to… um… have intercourse?” “Oh yes,” he said, adding especially right now in his mind. “I can keep it at bay, but the frustration can grow unbearable. That’s where someone like you can help.” “Oh… I… um…. I don’t know….” The girl’s voice, a low squeak, trailed off as her sweet face grew crimson. “It’s what you’re made for, Sunny,” Pastor Gary continued, watching her eyes carefully. This was the moment it could all go so wrong. “To give a man pleasure, to receive his lust. But God, in his wisdom, gave you not just a vagina to do so. He gave you a mouth and an anus too, both of which are as perfectly shaped to receive a man as your vagina. But receiving a man in either of those places doesn’t profane the sacred act of creation, so they are not truly sinful.” “I don’t think I want to take it up my ass, Pastor Gary,” the girl whispered, fear and disgust written on her features. “I’m not saying you should, Sunny. I’m Just pointing out that it’s one way a young woman can received a man’s lust. But it is a vulgar way, no doubt, one reserved for low men and even lower women. We should focus on the other way a woman can please a man and receive his lust.” “You mean give head?” “I mean oral copulation, specifically a young woman helping a man to achieve great pleasure while protecting him from a greater temptation. It is a marvelous, sacred gift that God gave to young women, the ability to give supreme pleasure with their mouths.” “Jayden says sucking cock is a huge rush, but she’s never said its sacred.” “She does not yet realize the great gift she has received, and the greater she gives.” “I don’t think she thinks of cum as a gift. She said it’s messy and tastes funky.” “I meant the gift of the ability for her – and all young womenr -- to give a man profound pleasure yet save him from true temptation.” “Oh…” Silence fell between them for several seconds. Pastor Gary stroked his throbbing erection with languid strokes as he watched the girl’s eyes. Just when he thought he was going to have to me more direct, she blinked and made eye contact with him. A little dear showed in those wide, light blue eyes, but what he thought was understanding, and maybe even determination, far exceeded the fear. “You want me to give you a beej.” The girl’s words did not form a question, but he answered anyway. “I do… to save me from temptation.” “I’ve never given one before. I got Jayden’s brother Shane off, but that was just rubbing him through his jeans. I didn’t actually touch it, let alone suck it.” “Have you seen a man’s fully erect penis?” “Only on video,” she said, her cheeks turning pink. When he stood to reveal his own naked erection, her entire face blazed scarlet. “Oh… it’s… “ “Touch it,” he commanded, walking around the desk until his penis bounced less than a foot away from the girl’s shocked face. Sunny shook her head, but even as she did so, one soft, thin hand reached out for him. He nodded encouragement as her fingers wrapped around his length. “It’s warm. And soft on the outside. When I felt Shane through his pants, it just felt hard. I mean, you’re really hard… harder than he was… but it’s wrapped in this spongy softness.” “Do you see the fluid on the tip?” he asked her, drawing her eyes to his face. After a second or two, the blonde girl nodded. “It’s precum, right?” “Yes, it is. And you need to taste it.” “Oh…” “Just stick out your tongue and lick it up.” The young woman chewed her bottom lip for several heartbeats, and he feared she would bolt. Instead, she focused her gaze on the tip of his penis as her tongue pushed from between her lips. And after a momentary hesitation, she lapped the increasingly larger drop of fluid from his sensitive flesh. A smile spread across her face. “It’s kinda sweet. Jayden said it’s bitter and tastes a little like bleach.” “Every man’s semen is different,” Pastor Gary said, not bothering to add that precum did not have nearly as strong a flavor as actual cum. “What now?” she asked, a quivering eagerness seeming to suffuse her body and her words. “Suck on the head a little.” “Okay.” “Yeah, like that,” the man groaned when her lips engulfed his glans. “No slurp on it.” She did as he suggested, and his shaft twitched in response. But as good as it felt, he wanted more. “Now wiggle your tongue… oh… very good. Oh so good.” “Shit, this is much more fun than Jayden…” “Don’t stop,” Pastor Gary groaned, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her lips back to his manhood. “Suck on it. Take as much as you can in your mouth and suck.” Sunny blinked at him a couple of times, but then she did exactly as he told her, sliding her lips down his length until the head hit the back of her throat. The girl closed her eyes and gagged for a moment, but even as she did so she applied enough suction to weaken Pastor Gary’s knees. She is certainly eager to please, he thought, resisting the urge to see if she would keep sucking if he thrust into her throat. This was going all too well to blow it by moving too fast and being too forceful. “Slide your lips up and down, but don’t quit sucking. Oh… that’s good. Now wiggle your tongue. Fuck yeah!” The girl’s eyes widened in what must have been shock at his use of the vulgar profanity, but she did not let whatever she was feeling distract her. Indeed, she started bobbing up and down his spit slickened erection faster and faster, or at least up and down the first two or three inches. She had clearly learned quickly how deep she could take him without gagging. “You’re a natural at this, Sunny,” he said after maybe a minute of her increasingly confident sucking. “Thanks, Pastor Gary,” she said, slurping his erection back into her mouth as soon as those words had left it. “But, what you’re doing—and doing very, very well—can be really messy. I would not want your mom to wonder about any stains on your shirt.” “You mean from when you come?” the girl asked, and this time she waited for him to answer. “Yeah.” “I’ll swallow it. That’s what Jayden says you have to do. Anything else is just a big mess, like you said.” “But some can get out, even if you swallow.” “Oh… I didn’t think about that.” “So, maybe we should get you out of that dress.” “I… I don’t know, Pastor Gary.” “You have a bra on, right? It’ll be just like wearing a bikini. You’ve done that, right.” “Oh, mom won’t let me wear a bikini.” “But you have, haven’t you?” “Yes,” the girl breathed, and the flush on her face made her seem both younger and more desirable. “It’s no different. And it’ll keep your dress from getting stained.” “I… what about my bra? Mom washes it too. She’d see stains on it.” “Well… maybe you could take it off too. I wouldn’t mind.” “No one’s ever seen my tits since they came in,” Sunny said. “I have no doubt they are beautiful, just like the rest of you.” The man stepped back, holding out his hands. Sunny took them, standing, her eyes boring into him. “You really think I’m beautiful?” “Of course you are, Sunny” Pastor Gary said, and he meant it. “Well… okay…” The girl turned her back to him, and it took the man a couple of seconds to realize that she was waiting for him to unzip her dress. After taking a deep breath to steady himself, and more importantly his fingers, Pastor Gary slid the zipper down. The tight dress parted, revealing the back strap of a hot pink bra. “It’s a little tight on my hips. Can you help me push it down?” As she spoke, she slipped her arms free and let the top of the dress fall to her thin waist. Without answering, he put his hands on the warm, smooth flesh just above the elastic of a barely visible pair of pink and purple panties. Inhaling deeply again, Pastor Gary ran his hands her hips, pushing the dress as she pulled it. It did not budge for a moment, and then the soft fabric fell away in a rustle. But the man hardly noticed anything except the cartoon cat face emblazoned across the skintight back of her panties. The juxtaposition of the innocent cartoon with the fullness of her bottom fueled his already stoked lust. A desire to rip the panties from her and ram his manhood deep inside her virgin sex fought to overtake him, but he fought it. To do so would be to give in to the very sin her wanted to avoid. He settled instead for giving each of her butt cheeks a firm slap. Sunny yelped and tried to turn to face him, but he held her in place with one hand while his other fumbled at the clasp of her bra. The girl shuddered but did not try to stop him, and before long her bra fell from her body and joined the dress on the floor. “Turn around,” he told her, his voice heavy and hoarse. A trembling Sunny did so, and he had to admire her courage. She did not eve try to cover her breasts. And what magnificent breasts he found them to be, full and firm and high on her chest, each tipped with a puffy, pink areola from which protruded and even pinker nipple. Like the rest of her body, her chest was caught in the transformation to womanhood. Even so, she was certainly more than a handful, and creamy flesh squeezed through his finger as he grabbed both those enticing breasts. “I’m already bigger than Mom,” the girl said, the last word breaking to moan as he sucked one firm nipple between his lips. “I’ve… I’ve… looked at her bras. I’m a 34D…. she’s a 34C.” “Your boobs are perfect,” Pastor Gary mumbled, his mouth now switched to her other nipple. “You really like them?” “Yes, I do.” Sunny’s gave him the biggest grin yet then kissed him. He let her tongue probe between his lips, then pushed back at it with his. But kissing the girl was not really what he wanted, so he pulled back. “Get on your knees,” he said, shoving down on her shoulders at the same time. The blonde did as she was told, dropping in front of him until his still rock-hard penis bobbed in front of her face. She gave the tip a wet kiss, then stared up at him before taking almost half of his length into his mouth, gagging a little. Pastor Gary sighed and stroked her soft hair and just kept himself from grabbing her braids and skull-fucking her. That would come in due time. For now, he would let her do the work. And what a great job she was doing, far better than any other first-time blowjob he had received from a girl her age. She sucked and licked and slid her lips up and down, gagging from time to time, her eyes never leaving his. When she added her hand and started stroking the bottom half of his erection as her mouth worked up and down the top half, he knew he could not last much longer. Within seconds, he held her head in place as he blasted spurt after spurt of semen into her mouth. Sunny scrunched up her eyes, likely at the taste, but did not pull away. She sucked gently until he was spent, only letting his penis fall from her lips when it had grown mostly soft. And to his amazement, the only sign he had come at all was a tiny trickle that had escaped from the left side of her mouth. “You swallowed it all?” “Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’. “Well, almost all.” Before his amazed eyes, Sunny used a slender finger to push the rivulet of his sum up into her mouth, then she sucked the finger clean. “It tasted kinda bad at first, much stronger than your precum. But It’s really not bad. I think I could even grow to like it.” “You’re a natural cocksucker, Sunny,” Pastor Gary said, silently thanking God for sending her to him.