I've worked for my company since I graduated, I keep myself to myself since it's mainly men I work with. I come in, do my job and go home and forget about it. A few months ago I had to go in our supplies office to fetch some paper and one of my older co-workers followed me in. Jeff was around 60, creepy and pretending to look for pens. As the paper I needed was on a tall shelf I stood on a chair rather than ask Jeff. As it was slightly out of my reach I placed one foot on the desk and stretched out to get the paper. It was at this point Jeff managed to put his hand right up my skirt and ram his fingers into my pussy. I shouted loudly, shoved him away and stormed into my boss's office to report him. "Mr Jackson, Jeff has just assaulted me" I told him. He told me to lock the door, buzzed through to have his calls diverted and told me to take a seat and explain what happened. Once I was through explaining he told me to stand up and remove my jacket. I could see him looking at my tits which looked prominent in my fitted satin blouse. I was glad I'd worn a padded bra and he couldn't see my hard nipples through my blouse. He then told me to turn round and stretch one leg out in front of me, then told me to bend over. "Okay Katie, I think I see the problem. Come and sit down". I took a seat feeling nervous that somehow this was my fault. " Katie you've come to work in a very tight blouse, you're breasts are too large for a top like that. Its rather unfair of you to distract your colleagues from their work by showing off like that. You have a tight pencil skirt on with a split up the back which shows your stocking tops when you bend over and as I can't see any pantyline and Jeff shoved his fingers right into your cunt with no problems I can only assume you aren't wearing panties. What have you got to say for yourself Katie? You must know you dress like a slut and that men can't help fingering sluts?" I was so shocked I just managed to stutter "but I am wearing panties Mr Jackson". "You'd better show me then or you'll have explaining to do" said Mr Jackson. I slipped my skirt up, wriggling round sideways in the seat and showed him the purple string which ran across my hip. "Oh you're wearing a g string Katie? Show me the front". I was embarrassed and said I couldn't. He asked why and I said "because they're dirty". He looked at his watch and said "but Katie its only 9.40, how did you get your panties so dirty? Tell me". I told him I'd stayed the night with my boyfriend and he'd cum in my pussy before I came to work. "Good man" he said, "that's precisely what I intend to do. Open your legs and show me your dirty knickers Katie". I was shocked but my pussy was throbbing as I spread my legs wide in the chair and showed him the tiny brazillian thong which covered just my slit and lips and was thoroughly wet with spunk. "Oh Katie, you come to work dressed like a slut, with a freshly shaven slut cunt and a load of spunk dripping out your knickers and wonder why you're getting fingered in the office? Do you often come to work with a load of cum in your cunt Katie?" I confessed I did. Most mornings if I didn't already stay overnight with my boyfriend Jim I'd go round and get a load of cum in my cunt before work. Sometimes I'd go round and suck him off then have him spunk up my hole or if I was short of time I'd send a message saying I was on my way for cream and he'd wank off. By the time I got there he could open the door to me, skirt up, legs spread, bent over and just shoot his load right in me. I'd quickly take his cock in my mouth to clean it and he'd go back to bed while I'd put my knickers on at the doorstep and go to work. "So Katie, you love spunk up your cunt. I think that you're more upset that Jeff covered his fingers in your cum than you are at him fingering you. He'll pay you back for that, I'll see to it. Now panties off, I'd better get you cleaned up to receive my load" he said as he pulled my underwear off and began licking my slit. "You're a dirty slut Katie aren't you?". "Yes Sir" I moaned as he licked me clean, poking his tongue inside and sucking out my boyfriend's cum. " I'm going to get you nice and clean and then I'm going to fill you up with boss cum, would you like that Katie?". I writhed in pleasure as he lapped at my cunt, thinking that I was going to get a fresh load in there, "yes sir, please cum in my cunt". "Say you want boss cum Katie, say you want it in your cunt". He was stroking his cock and all I could think of was getting my cunt filled, I started to cum as I moaned "yes sir, please, I want boss spunk, please, fill me up", I held my cunt lips as wide apart as I could and begged him for his load as he stroked his cock faster and faster, then felt his cock rammed deep inside me, "here it comes Katie" he said as he pumped hot jizz in me. "Slut" he said pulling out, "keep your legs open, I'm going to take a picture everytime I cum in you". I lay there with cum dribbling out my slit as my boss held my lips open and took a photo. "So, we're going to have to keep that cunt wet aren't we?" said Mr Jackson as he zipped up his trousers. " I expect you to come to work with a dribbling spunky cunt every morning from now on. You will come into my office first thing every day for inspection. You will also wear sheer bras from now on, I want your nipples visible to all your colleagues" he told me as he typed something on his computer. " I don't want you to wipe your cunt all day, come back here at 1pm for inspection and to receive my next load. Now we have to sort Jeff out. I've sent him an email. He's expecting you in his office so he can apologise. I want you to go in there, bend over his desk and he'll shoot a load all over your cunt to make up for fingering you today. How does that sound?". "Fine sir, thank you, I'll see you at one" I said as I walked to Jeff's office to have my cunt wanked over. At least it was out now and my colleagues knew I was a slut, I wouldn't have to hide it anymore and I think I'm going to be getting a lot of cum from now on. X