Two Sisters are better than One …..For years I had wanted to feel my sister-in- laws hot body. I’m Eric and no one knew I fantasized about slowly feeling and undressing Brenda and then having great sex with her. I enjoyed my fantasy but never made a move on her. She was a younger version of my wife Donna and had a killer body and face. A very sexy girl. She liked to wear shorts to show off her beautiful legs. Brenda….. …..For years I had wanted to feel Eric’s hands on me. Feeling me up and then us having glorious sex. I had watched him feel up my sister and wished it was me. I kept this to myself and just enjoyed thinking about it, making myself all horny. I never made a move on him. ….Purely by accident our legs rubbed together while playing a board game at the table one evening. I got chills. We both had on shorts and the skin to skin warm feeling got to me. I slipped up and smiled and shivered. He noticed and smiled. Our legs came back together and another rub happened. I felt the heat in my face this time as I took a drink of soda. He stretched smiling and his leg went up further on mine. The excitement of sneaking leg feels was awesome. ….. My sister and husband Don didn’t notice a thing. His leg was so warm on mine I felt my self getting wet. Eric… ….I think this was just fate that our legs touched….but it was a welcome fate for me. She had hot legs and to feel them bare and warm was a boner maker. When she returned the second feel, my cock went crazy. I took my shirt off and tied it around my waist go hide my boner some. No one noticed…but Brenda. She stared at my bare chest and took a big breath. I sure wished she could take of that blouse and bra, so I could see her nice tits. I stared at them. Brenda…. ….Damn him, he’s teasing me. Taking off his shirt like that. I can tease too. Watch this Eric. I waited for the right time when he was looking at my tits and hubby and sis were busy. I took my hand and squeezed one tit while I looked him right in the eyes and smiled. Now, let’s see you hide your boner Eric. He took a piece of paper and wrote on it ’Brenda 1, Eric 0.’ We both smiled and rubbed legs again. ….That’s how it started. Later we passed in the hallway and we both stopped and looked in our eyes. I whispered: (“…what’s the big idea of taking of your shirt off, hiding a boner are we?”) He said back: (“…you little tit squeezer, I wanted to do that and you knew it.”) My heart was pounding as our hands came up and did a quick touch of our faces. We both huffed and puffed our breathing. I felt the start of an orgasm in my pussy. I looked down and his boner was huge as he broke to go to the bathroom. Eric…. …..Damn…that hallway touching got me horny. I had to go and put cold water on my boner to make it go down. Now to plan to feel her more. …..The next event was in my garage. I was under the hood when I felt hands feeling my butt. I assumed it was the wife and said: “That’s private property lady.” I didn’t even look up. Next I hear: “I’m a trespasser mister.” It was Brenda voice. I turned around and gasp at her beauty. Shorts, a tiny top and no bra. I said: “I have to frisk trespassers, lady.” I pulled her around to where we couldn’t be seen and pulled her to me tight. .....That was our first kiss and then our hands went to the places we dreamed of. The feel of her tits and ass were awesome. She pushed her pussy into my boner hard and moaned. As I reached under her top, her hand went down my shorts to feel my boner. We both wanted to fuck right then an there. We whispered between breaths how we had wanted this for so long and when we could get alone together. We kept feeling us as we talked. Her bare hot tits were wonderful. She squeezed my boner and stroked it gently. I ran my hand down her shorts and felt the hottest, wettest pussy ever. .....I ran my finger over her clit. She jumped and moaned as she felt the full head of my dick. I wanted so bad to lick her warm and wet clit. She spread her legs apart for me to get a finger in her pussy. She pulled down my shorts some to expose my dick. He head slowly went down my chest to my dick. Her lips found what she was looking for and began to stroke and lick the head of my dick. My fingers went in her wet pussy as she moaned quietly. Her warm and wet pussy on my fingers was taking my breath away. Her lips were going to make me cum soon when the wife’s car pulled up. Brenda headed for the bathroom in the house, as I got back under my car hood. Brenda….. …..Damn, that made me so damn hot, my pussy is still tingling. I finally got to suck on his nice big head. I felt so warm in my mouth. If sis hadn’t come home I could almost taste his hot cum shooting in my mouth…but I will. My pussy is so wet I better get sis’s hair dryer out and dry my shorts between my legs. My hands are trembling, I’m a mess with all this lusty excitement. Soon we’ll feel us naked and we can fuck like we want to. Damn, I’m shook up, I better wet my hair like I’m drying it…tonight I’m going to play with my pussy so good in the shower. Now to catch my breath and act normal…on the outside. ….The waiting was torture. A few leg rubs, a quick feel in the hallway, and a quick feel up in the garage were about all we got. The timing was just not right for us to get even 5 minutes of feel time in. I had dreams about Eric, and my shower masturbation was the only relief I got. When Don and I made love, I fantasized it was Eric and I. I hoped I wouldn’t say Eric’s name in my sleep. I woke up at times with a wet pussy dreaming about Eric. I eased my finger in my pussy and fantasized it was Eric’s. Don was a sound sleeper so I found I could make myself orgasm sleeping right next to him and not wake him up. I loved doing it and it took my breath away. Eric…. …..Damn, Brenda was on my mind all the time now. Donna never knew it, but when we made love, it was Brenda I fantasized I was fucking. Feeling Donna’s tits, body and licking her pussy were all like it was Brenda. Wanking in the shower was hot to think of Brenda and I fucking. ….. When…. I wondered, will the timing be right for a long feel for Brenda and I. We waited. ….One evening Donna had to go to bed early because of her work. Don had gone to a car show and I sat on the couch watching T.V. Brenda had stopped by to get something. We were semi-alone. The excitement built as we looked at each other. So close yet I couldn’t have her. Donna was asleep by now. I pointed to Brenda that I was going out in the garage. She smiled big and followed me out. We moved around behind the car so a surprise visit from Donna would let her see anything. ..... I opened the trunk. Our hearts were pounding away as our arms went around each other. We kissed the lips we wanted so bad. I felt her wonderful tits and she felt my boner. The heavy breathing in each others ears was a real turn on. I eased down her shorts a little. She eased down mine till my boner stuck out. She put it between her spread apart legs. It was the first time we had ever done this much. I felt the wetness of her pussy on my dick as she moved her pussy back and forth. With the trunk open and could see the door ok if Donna came out for some reason. ......Brenda was stroking me and I began to squat down. She rubbed the head of my dick all around her wet pussy. It just went in so smooth and warm. We helped it go all the way in and then the fucking began. Slow at first and then the fury in us let go and we moaned as a deep fast fuck was taking place. “Oh god hurry…I want to cum with you so bad.” Cum we did. We drove us together tight as our muffled moans squealed and I shot a mega cum in her. He pussy was alive with pulses as he came with me. She pulled my hair hard as she drove her tongue in my mouth. .....Cum began dripping out of her pussy and onto the garage floor. She just kept fucking me hard and with a beautiful moan of pleasure. We both got so weak I had to hold us up. We broke our kisses to gasp for air. Our heads were pounding with the feelings we had waited for , for so long. I wanted to be safe and pull out, but I couldn’t, it just felt to damn good in her. She could move her pussy around my dick wonderful. Stroking it with her pussy. All became quiet but our breathing and the dripping of cum. The front of her shorts were soaked. She just didn’t seem to care as her content eyes were closed and her pussy was getting in a last squeeze. …I sent her home in a daze we both shared. ------- …..A few days later we all were back at playing our board games. We took a break and I went out the garage to mess with my car. Brenda went to refrig., to look for a snack. As she bent over she could look thru the open refrig. door crack. She did a big blink. …..She saw her husband Don’s hand rubbing her sister Donna’s leg and Donna’s hand was between his legs rubbing him. She smiled big and said loud: “Who ate all the cookies.” She closed the refrig. door and didn’t look at them. She went out to the garage to tell me what she saw. We giggled quietly, and got in a quick feel between us. ….Now days I wave as I pass Don on the way to my house. He goes to there to ’check on something’. I go to his house to ’check on something’. The girls? ….well there’s always ‘something’ to fix in their bedrooms…we always fix it… ….real good…..