Harry Potter- Fun In The Park (1)

Harry Potter- Fun In The Park (1)

Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was back at the Dursleys' contemplating what he had to do. The only thing he could think about was killing Snape and Voldemort. He knew Hermione and Ron were determined to go with him. He thought about running for it but he knew they would track him down because he had already disclosed where he was going to go. Godrics Hallow was where it all started for him. That is where Voldemort had killed his parents and tried to kill him. Harry laid down in his bed staring at the shadows the street lights made through the window. Hedwig was off hunting in the night for some mice. All of the sudden Harry heard a loud crash then a scream coming from down stairs. Harry jumped out of his bed, grabbed his wand from the side table, and ran down stairs. He heard some commotion coming from his aunt and uncle’s bedroom. Harry crept down the hall to a slightly ajar door. Harry peeked inside and was shocked at what he saw. His aunt and uncles bed was on the floor with them on it laughing. "Cheap ass beds." Vernon laughed,” This is the third bed this year. Maybe I should build my own reliable bed." All Harry could think was "The beds aren’t cheap they just can’t hold all that weight." Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia stood up and was stark naked, they looked like the number ten. Vernon was a good 400 pounds by now. I know this is an old joke but he really did have more rolls than a bakery. Petunia was the complete opposite she had to weigh no more than 100 pounds and no tits at all. Vernon’s tits were bigger by at least 2-cup sizes. Vernon started to get an erection and that is when Harry knew it was time to leave. Harry decided to take a late night walk around the park so he could avoid any other sounds that might come out of the house. He knew Dudley was out tonight creating havoc. Harry walked over to the swings and sat down. Off in the distance were Dudley and his "gang" of friends. They were laughing and talking loudly, even though Harry could not hear them, he knew they were teasing someone lying down on the ground. Harry decided to walk over to see what was up. He got close enough to see and hear what they were up to but he hid himself behind a tree so they did not see him. Harry was not scared of them but he thought spying was much more fun. What Harry saw surprised him; Dudley and his friends had their pants down to their ankles, stroking their cocks. On the ground was a girls who looked to be sixteen or seventeen naked as the day she was born laying on a picnic blanket rubbing her finger in and out of her pussy. "Wow your sister is hot Piers" Dudley commented while the other boys agreed with him. There was four boys plus Dudley, who was by far the biggest out of them, who formed a little circle watching the slut have her fun. The four boys were about the same build and age, none of them was over 18 and less than 100 pounds. Harry could have taken them all out and Dudley was just scared of Harry. Nevertheless, Harry stood in the shadows to watch. "I'm fucking this bitch first" Dudley proclaimed. Harry realized Dudley’s dick was the smallest he had ever seen. Dudley was masturbating with just his thumb and pointer finger. It could not have been more than 3 inches long. Harry held back a laugh as he watched Dudley climb on top and try to stick his dick in the girl’s pussy. Dudley tried everything from just getting on top to taking her leg up onto his shoulder and nothing seemed to work. His fat was just getting in the way of penetrating her. Dudley finally gave up, moved around to her face, and told her to start sucking. From what Harry could tell, she was a pro at this. Piers decided he would fuck his sister instead. He got down on top of her, spread her legs, and forced his penis inside of his sister. He looked like he had done this before many times because he knew how she liked it. The rest of the boys took this time to get their cocks as hard as they could. Harry noticed that their cocks were smaller than his was. The three of the extra boys was bored and decided to have some fun with her also. Two of them got down and started sucking her tits while the third one shared the girl’s mouth. Harry just stared at the big ass orgy and had an idea. He had turned 17 the day before and could now use magic. He took out his wand and (nvbl) said Imobulas and everyone froze. Harry came around the tree and put his plan in order. He knew they could still see and hear him but he did not care. He would be leaving soon and never coming back. First off, he took the two boys that were sucking on her tits. Harry bent the first one over, and place the second boys cock in the first kid’s ass. Then he said a spell to lock their ass and waist together. Then he picked the girl, put her by the tree, laid Piers down where she was, and stuck Dudley’s dick in his mouth. Then Harry took the third boy and sat him right down on Pier's cock. Harry held back laughing the whole time, he was enjoying himself after all those years of Dudley and his friends torturing him. Harry said the spell and stuck them all together like that. The spell would wear off in and hour but until then they can keep each other warm. Harry then decided that it was time to have fun with the girl. He figured if he fucked her in the ass he would not be cheating on Ginny. Even tried to break it off with her, she was persistent to keep going out. Harry bent her over, took out his six-inch cock, and spit in his hand to lube up his cock. He slowly pushed it in past the head and then it just slid all the way in. "this bitch is looser than Cho," Harry thought to himself. Harry slid in and out of her with ease and it started to get boring after a little bit so he decided to thaw her for the time being. When Harry released the spell from her, she just pushed her ass into him. The girl was a pro at being ass fucked. Harry grabbed her hair for some extra leverage. Harry reached under her chest and fondled her naked breasts. Harry was panting and sweating in the hot, night air. Harry could feel the pressure building up in his balls and knew he was going to blow his load. He withdrew his cock from her ass and gave it a little wipe with a tee shirt he found laying next to him. She had turned around on her own and took Harry’s cock into her mouth. She took the entire length down her throat and bounced her head up and down. Harry knew he was going to cum so he grabbed both sides of her head and shoved his cock deep into her throat. After taking all of his cum without spilling a drop she got up right next to Harry’s ear and whispered, “Thank you, you are much bigger than my brother and all the other guys I’ve fucked. Harry helped her gather up her clothes and walked her over to the swings before he released Dudley and his friends. Harry realized that he just did magic in front of a muggle but she bent over and told him, “Don’t worry, I already know. My aunt is Mrs. Figg, Piers and I am only half brother and sister. That’s why I did not mind fucking him.” Harry was pleased to hear this and turned his attention to the five boys fucking each other. Harry was far away but from what he could make out the boys was used to fucking each other, which just made Harry sick. He grabbed the girl’s hand and decided that she should not walk home alone. She lived the next street down from the park so it was not an inconvenience to Harry. As he rounded the corner, he saw some figures walking toward them. Harry gripped the base of his wand as they got closer but it was just a couple out for a night walk. Harry walked her up to the door and she gave him one hell of a kiss goodnight. Harry turned around with a smile on his face and set off for home. Harry headed back up the street and saw the two people running back toward him. When they were about ten feet away however, Harry saw flashes of light coming right at him. He jumped out of the way just in time to get his hair singed a little. Harry grabbed his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at the two figures. Harry realized that it was the brother and sister from a few months ago at the school. Harry finally had his chance for his revenge. He pointed his wand at them, (nvbl) Expelliamus he thought at the boy first which hit his square in the chest. He went flying, spinning in the air, and landed a few feet away knocked out. The female was angry, started Avada, But Harry was too quick for her, and he used Petrificus Totalus on her. She fell backwards on her back and just laid there. Harry quickly ran over and removed all of her clothes. He then went over to the brother and stripped him down. Harry levitated him over, on top of his sister and shoved his cock into her pussy. Harry used the same spell he used on Dudley and his friends and locked them together. Harry sprinted to his aunt and uncle’s house as fast as he could. Harry snuck into the house, tiptoed his way up into his bedroom, and lay down on his bed. His bedroom window was still open and he could hear Dudley walking up the street talking very loudly. “Did you see those two going at it in the middle of the street like that? I wish I could have gotten a piece of that ass.” Dudley yelled out. Harry laid in his bed waiting for Hedwig to come back after her hunt so he could send a note to Ron stating that he was arriving the next day because this place was becoming to unsafe. The spells Dumbledore set upon Harry lifted as soon as he turned 17 and he was unprotected anymore from Voldemort.

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